Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Library

The public library is the biggest treasure known to societies. It has all the resources one can take great benefits from. With the surge of internet and other resources, public libraries have been neglected and abandoned.

Sakinaka is a densely populated area having no library within 2-3 km of radius. Many students are living in joint family or in small size room have no suitable space for study. Having no proper space for study is severely affecting results of the students. Following are the reasons why we need the respective project.

Why Public Library:

1.A disciplined area to study

Many people find it very difficult to study at home or in dorm rooms because of all the disturbance. The best way out of this problem is to go to the local library and study there in peace. Local libraries are the best to study as the decorum is maintained and there are no disturbances. One can easily study there without getting irritated by any loud noise or a group of people enjoying while you have to prepare for your final exam.

2.Benefit is getting free books

Yes! Free books! The books can be very expensive and can cause a huge dent in pocket if one go to buy any. Buying books to read for one time can be a hint of foolishness. Why must one buy an expensive book only to render it useless when you are done with it? Smart choice is to borrow as many books as you can from the library. No more killing urge to read a book just because it is expensive. Get a library card and enjoy.

3.Availability of all kinds of books

A library is the biggest resource for books. One can find all sorts of books here. Books from different genre such as science fiction, fiction and a lot more are kept in the library for people to borrow. One can use the books in the library for many different purpose. One can use text books to study along with other reference books for research. The availability of different kinds of books will make life easier as one doesn’t has to go looking for books all over the city and can get everything under one roof.

4.Free internet

With the free access to internet one can easily have every available resource around plus a quiet and comfy environment that one can easily study in.


A library is run on the shoulders of a librarian. Librarians add a lot more to the library experience and can provide a lot of knowledge. One can ask them for book recommendations and they will have all the recommendations on their fingertips. The librarian will guide and point out all the treasures that are buried behind books.

6.Libraries are a soul enriching phenomenon

One can go there and enjoy a little bit of time. Search for the hidden treasures or anything that spikes your interest. One hasn’t to be very quick with picking a book and reading it, you can stroll peacefully and enjoy the smell of all those wonderful books. It can be a great way to pull out of your busy schedule and enjoy a couple of hours of peace. Libraries are a great place to socialize with your community members, one can get to know people that have the same interests. This will help to build relationships with people of similar interests. Joining a library instills a sense of responsibility. One learn to keep the card safe and understand deadlines. It is a great way to teach kids the sense of responsibility.