Counselling and Career Guidance

How you can help

1. It concerns with the person only.

2. This guidance is the core of all types of guidance.

3. It is an answer to our big question what and what not we should be.

4. It is meant for deciding what habits, attitudes and values we should develop.

5. This guidance points out the strengths and weaknesses of every individual or child.

6. It is meant to overcome the personal problems of personality adjustment of every individual. It deals with all problems of life which are not covered by educational and vocational guidance.

Aims and Objectives:

1.To assist the individual in understanding himself.

2. To make individuals aware about the personal problems of life.

3. To assist the individual in solving the problems related to his/ her life.

4. To assist the individual in developing suitable habits, attitudes, interests etc.

5. To assist the individual in developing the qualities of co-operation, love, sympathy, tolerance etc.

6. To assist the individuals in his physical, social, moral, spiritual and emotional development.

7. To assist the individuals in taking independent decisions and judgments.

8. To assist the individual in becoming a responsible member of his community.

9. To assists or helps every individual immensely about how to develop an integrated personality.

Stages of Personal Guidance in Education::

1. At the Primary Stage:

Personal guidance at this stage aims at helping the children to get along with others and to develop certain social qualities. At this stage opportunities or facilities are given to pupils for their self-expression. Personal guidance at this stage deals with the problems related to health, feeling of insecurity, social acceptance and discipline.

2. At the Secondary Stage:

Personal guidance is organized, at this stage for the students because in the mid-point of this level of education the pupils reach at the stage of adolescence or adolescence period. As at the secondary school level the students are at the adolescence stage and they have more internal personal problems. There is more necessity of such type of guidance at this stage. During adolescence period due to peculiar, physical, intellectual, emotional and social developments children undergo marked changes in their attitude and behavior. They have many doubts and confusions. Adjustment becomes a problem to them. This is a period of high order of emotionality. At this period the children are more self-conscious. They need recognition and approval. Personal guidance at this stage is concerned mostly with problems of personal and social adjustment.

3. At the University Stage:

Personal guidance at this stage is just a continuation of the personal guidance offered at the secondary school stage; but its scope is wider. It should develop in students a sense of social service, social responsibility, patriotism, mutual respect and tolerance. It should help the students to accept the vision of life in relation to its practicability