Book Bank scheme

"Book Bank is a section of library, where text book, reference books and other miscellaneous books can be reserved for some special categories of users. Main aim of setting up Book Bank is to encourage the meritorious students by providing informational and educational assistance. User with sound finance can buy the books from their own but user with poor economic background can’t afford to buy their required information sources.

Practicing book bank services can help to overcome such a situation to some extent. Book Bank is developed for the upliftment of the economically backward, differently abled, backward class students and to reduce the rate of failure among them. Since we are developing country, majority of our population is not economically rich and to support all the economically backward students, Book Bank is a much demanded service.

Purpose of the project

1.Illiteracy is a curse to many people and the main culprit for their poor economic background. It is expected that this Book Bank Project will be a boon to uplift the people.

2. Books will be taken back from the students after they pass a certain standard and will be handed over to the next needy batch. Thus the cycle will move on unless the students reach a certain level.

3. It is expected that the students, whose parents cannot afford study books will produce better academic performance after getting constant support from the book bank.

Project Details

1. All types of books which are of no further use will be collected from people. 2. Books will be repaired and maintained under the supervision of MAF.

3. Books will be distributed to needy students through his requisition for borrowing books from the book bank in the form to be provided for this purpose.

4. Books will be strictly distributed among the students keeping in view the norm that one set is meant for 1 student for the entire course.

5. The books should be returned to the Book Bank at the end of each term, as the Books and Materials purchased under Book Bank Scheme will be considered as the property of MAF.

6. Rest of the books will be kept by setting up library to support the studious youngsters so that they can use the books as reference.

How you can help

1. By donating any kind of books including text books, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias etc. The books could be in English/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Marathi which is of no further use for you.

2. By donating any amount to buy books or by sponsoring one child for a year.

3. By working as a volunteer in this noble project.